<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% dim aMenu(20) dim aSez(20) cLingua = "EN" cTitolo = "Memory of Jesus crucified" cIcona = "croce.jpg" cAlleluia1 = "

This is the Gospel of the Poor;
Liberation for the Imprisoned;
Sight for the Blind;
Freedom for the Oppressed.

" cAlleluia2 = "

The Son of man has come to serve
He who wishes to be great,
must be the servant of all.

" aMenu(1) = Array("Hymn","") aMenu(2) = Array("Song","") aMenu(3) = Array("Reading of the Word of God","") aMenu(4) = Array("Song to Mary","") aMenu(5) = Array("Our Father","") aMenu(6) = Array("Final Hymn","") aMenu(7) = Array("The Prayer","../index.htm") aMenu(8) = Array("Home page","../../index.html") aSez(1) = Array("stavano_presso_la_croce") aSez(2) = Array("nel_tuo_regno") aSez(3) = Array("=GetMemoria", "=GetLettura", "=GetCommento") aSez(4) = Array("non_piangere") aSez(5) = Array("pater") aSez(6) = Array("sara_saldo") nVociMenu = 8 cTempo = "" cPreghiera = "croce" cSalmo = "" cVersetti1 = "" cVersetti2 = "" cVersettiV = "Acts 28, 11-16" cLettura1 = "" cLettura2 = "" cLetturaV = "At the end of three months we set sail in a ship that had wintered in the island; she came from Alexandria and her figurehead was the Twins.

We put in at Syracuse and spent three days there;

from there we followed the coast up to Rhegium. After one day there a south wind sprang up and on the second day we made Puteoli,

where we found some brothers and had the great encouragement of staying a week with them. And so we came to Rome.

When the brothers there heard about us they came to meet us, as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them he thanked God and took courage.

On our arrival in Rome Paul was allowed to stay in lodgings of his own with the soldier who guarded him.

" cMemoria = "Memory of Sant’Egidio, a monk from the East who came to the West. He lived in France and became the father of many monks. The Community of Sant’Egidio took its name from the church dedicated to him.
We remember the beginning of the Second World War and pray for the end to all wars.
The Orthodox Church begins its liturgical year." cOmelia = "After three months the group sailed off again and disembarked in Syracuse. They stayed for three days, and Paul met with the Christian community, which had already existed there for some time. They continued on their journey to Rhegium and Puteoli, where the apostle met with another small community. Then they made their way towards Rome, possibly taking the Appian road. At this point, the story takes on a moving tone. . A group of Christians from Rome learned of Paul’s impending arrival and went to meet him as far as the Forum of Appius, about fifty miles from Rome. Others met him at the Three Taverns, about thirty miles from the city. It is possible that Paul recalled in those moments the words Jesus had told him in Jerusalem: “Keep up your courage! For just as you have witnessed for me in Jerusalem, so you must bear witness also in Rome” (23:11). We can imagine the scene of Paul’s entrance to Rome, the capital of the empire. Paul enters as a prisoner, bound in chains, and yet, Acts writes, when he saw so many brothers and sisters he took courage and thanked God. He had dreamt about his arrival in the empire’s capital, as we can see in his Letter to the Romans: “I ask God to be enabled to see you as your faith is talked of all over the world”. Traveling from Jerusalem, the city of the resurrection, through Athens, the cultural capital, Paul finally reaches Rome, heart of the Roman Empire and political center of the known world at that time. The Acts of the Apostles structures its narrative around these two cities, almost as if to describe the itinerary of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome, and then to the entire world." %>