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October 16 2012 | ROME, ITALY

16 October 1943 - 16 October 2012. Memory of deportation of the jews of Rome

A march to remember there is no future without memory

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On October 16th, 1943 during the Nazi occupation of Rome, more than 1,000 Roman Jews were caught and deported to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Only a small number, 16 people, including one woman, returned to their homes.

A 69 anni dalla deportazione degli ebrei romani, la Comunità di Sant'Egidio e la Comunità ebraica di Roma, come ogni anno dal 1994, fanno memoria di questo tragico momento della vita della città, organizzando un "pellegrinaggio della memoria", perché tutti, soprattutto le giovani generazioni, non dimentichino la deportazione avvenuta durante l'occupazione nazista.

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012, at 7.00 pm
a silent march will wind back
from S. Maria in Trastevere
along the path of the deportees of October 16th, 1943,
that from the Ghetto were conducted at the Military College in Trastevere
before being imprisoned in the trains for Auschwitz

 to Largo 16 Ottobre 1943, next to the Synagogue

Speakers at the event:

Riccardo Pacifici, president of the Jewish Community of Rome
Renzo Gattegna, President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities
Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Community of Sant'Egidio
Riccardo Di Segni, Chief Rabbi of Rome
Mario Monti, President of the Council of Ministers

President Mario Monti from 18.30 to 19.45 will pay an official visit
to the Jewish Community of Rome and the Synagogue.
The visit does not foresee the presence of the press.

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