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May 24 2013

I / O: I is another

The "Special Project" by the Italo-Brazilian CésarMeneghetti Art Workshops with the Community ofSant'Egidio for 55th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia.

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Pavilion of the Republic of Kenya

55th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale diVenezia



I / O _I IS ANOTHER César Meneghetti Special Project


in collaboration with the Community of Sant'Egidio


Curators: Simonetta Lux and Alessandro Zuccari


Commissioner Antonio Arévalo


            The "Special Project" by the Italo-Brazilian CésarMeneghetti, promoted and carried out in collaboration with the Laboratory of Art of the Community ofSant'Egidio for 55th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia, was presented today at the "Trattoria de Gli Amici" in piazza Sant'Egidio in Rome .The work, called "ipercontemporanea" consists of three video installations which ,through interviews and performances, give the word to the excluded and bring them into dialogue with the civil society with the perspective of a global humanism. The artist has ventured a search of an inner boundary, accepting the risk of an open process to the unpredictability of the encounter and the possibility of change. I / O_I IS ANOTHER is a transnational and inclusive project that marks an important stage in the abatement of the injured, also those of the art system.




The work / project Meneghetti, I / O_ I IS ANOTHER will be inaugurated on 30 May and will be open  to the public from June 1 to November 24 in the pavilion of the Republic of Kenya at the island of San Servolo, the site until 1978 of one of the largest mental hospitals of the Veneto.


            The presentation in Rome was attended by the curators Simonetta Lux and Alessandro Zuccari, Commissioner Antonio Arévalo and Cristina Cannelli, the coordinator of the Laboratory of Art of the Community of Sant'Egidio. In these educational spaces, through the learning of artistic techniques and communicative, hundreds of people with physical and mental disabilities have made over the years a path to personal liberation and openness to the outside. The meeting with César Meneghetti has meant an area of further comparison, which operated a transformation in all the subjects involved in a relationship established on reciprocity: the work of Meneghetti through the three video installations at the Biennale responds to the challenge of a 'art that aims not only to describe but to change reality’. It opens a channel of communication through which the real artistic expression, by overcoming the boundary between reality and representation, becomes the complete manifestation of the human condition.

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