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January 26 2014 | ROME, ITALY

Outrage and condemnation by the Community of Sant'Egidio for the outrage to the victims of the Shoah

Marco Impagliazzo: The sowers of hatred will not prevail over the peacemakers

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"The outrageous insult to the memory of the victims of the Shoah, precisely on the days dedicated to the memory of the victims of the most horrific tragedy of the 20th century, constitutes, at the same time, a threat to their heirs, to the survivors, but also to all those that believe and are committed to building a world of peace, tolerance, dialogue and collaboration. Those that sent these gruesome messages purport to poison the atmosphere of peaceful and constructive coexistence that has been established for some time in the capital of Italy, bringing the story to a past condemned by all civilized people. "The Community of Sant'Egidio, which has always been, but these days in particular is close to the Roman Jews, has solidarity with their mourning and shares their hopes, wants to send the Jewish Community its feelings of outrage and the strongest condemnation of an increasingly resurgent anti-Semitism, in the certainty that the sowers of hatred will not prevail over the peacemakers”.

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