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September 19 2014 | PRINCETON, UNITED STATES

Poverty and Peacemaking

an interdisciplinary Conference and dialogue at Princeton University, Sept. 19- 20, 2014

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The Office of Religious Life at Princeton University is hosting Sant'Egidio's 4th annual conference in the United States: Poverty and Peacemaking: An Interdisciplinary Conference and Gathering, on September 19-20th.

Poverty and Peacemaking will convene scholars, local partners, religious leaders, diplomats, philanthropists, artists and students. For more information about the conference see the Facebook link and web links below. 
We very much hope you can attend! As important we hope to be in conversation with you about the upcoming program.  

November 25 2017

Thanksgiving with the poor in New York

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October 19 2017

THANKS to all those who signed the appeal for Anthony Shore: his execution was stopped tonight. Let's keep signing the appeal

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October 24 2011

The Spirit of Assisi: 25 Years of Prayer for Peace

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June 3 2011

Rome: In the Basilica of San Bartolomeo, the delivery of the stole of Ragheed Aziz Ganni, Chaldean priest killed in Mosul in Iraq

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