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September 18 2014

Deep sorrow for the loss of Sayyed Hani Fahs, member of the Supreme Shiite Islamic Council of Lebanon

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The Community of Sant’Egidio expresses its closeness to the sorrow of the relatives and friends of Sayyed Hani Fahs, intellectual, man of dialogue and dear friend, who passed away after a severe illness.

Sayyed Hani Fahs has been a component of the Supreme Shiite Islamic Council of Lebanon and founding member of the Arab Islamic-Christian dialogue committee. He participated since many years to the meetings of prayer and dialogue of the Community and was actively involved in the search for paths of peace between people of different faith; as he himself used to say, his religious formation in Najaf (Iraq) granted him his characteristic intellectual curiosity and great openness to meeting others. Short time ago he had spoken publicly in defence of the Christian presence in Iraq.

We join to the grief of all those knew and appreciated him, trusting in Lord’s mercy, and we particularly convey our closeness to his family and his many friends in Lebanon, in Najaf and throughout the whole region

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