
Memory of Jesus crucified

Memory of Jesus crucified

Memorial of Saint John Damascene, a monk and Doctor of the Church who lived in Damascus in the eighth century. He distributed his goods to the poor and joined the lavra of Saint Sabbas nearby Jerusalem. Prayer for Christians in Syria. 阅读更多

Memory of Jesus crucified
Friday, December 4

Memorial of Saint John Damascene, a monk and Doctor of the Church who lived in Damascus in the eighth century. He distributed his goods to the poor and joined the lavra of Saint Sabbas nearby Jerusalem. Prayer for Christians in Syria.

Reading of the Word of God

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

This is the Gospel of the poor,
liberation for the imprisoned,
sight for the blind,
freedom for the oppressed.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Matthew 9,27-31

As Jesus went on his way two blind men followed him shouting, 'Take pity on us, son of David.' And when Jesus reached the house the blind men came up to him and he said to them, 'Do you believe I can do this?' They said, 'Lord, we do.' Then he touched their eyes saying, 'According to your faith, let it be done to you.' And their sight returned. Then Jesus sternly warned them, 'Take care that no one learns about this.' But when they had gone away, they talked about him all over the countryside.


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

The Son of Man came to serve,
whoever wants to be great
should become servant of all.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Coming out of the house of the leader of the synagogue, Jesus is followed by two blind men who address a simple prayer to him: "Have mercy on us, Son of David!" It is an invocation that we often find in the Gospels. And the Church makes us repeat it at the beginning of every Mass: "Lord, have mercy!" Before the greatness of the Lord this is the first and most important prayer that we can address to him: we are poor beggars of love. Jesus enters the house, welcomes the two blind men, and speaks with them. Healing is not a practice of magic, nor is it the fruit of rituals or esoteric practices. It always takes place within a personal relationship with Jesus: we need to meet his eyes, his heart, to bind ourselves to him with trust. Indeed Jesus asks the two blind men: "Do you believe that I can do this?" It is the request to trust him. Without this personal, direct, trusting relationship, there is no healing. After the affirmative answer of the two blind men Jesus touched their eyes and said: "According to your faith let it be done to you." And the eyes of the two opened. There is a direct relationship between faith and healing. The well-known Protestant theologian of the last century Karl Barth was right saying: "God does not act in the same way if we pray or not pray." It is a precious teaching. Prayer is the first work of believers. With it they abandon themselves to the Lord who listens and grants their requests.


