A new protocol to save 1200 refugees from Afghanistan. Marco Impagliazzo: welcoming and integration through Humanitarian Corridors, a model for Europe

A new protocol for the safe arrival of 1200 Afghan refugees through Humanitarian Corridors was signed today at the Palazzo del Viminale (Ministry of Interior) in Rome.

Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Community of Sant’Egidio, declared: "The presence of Minister of Interior Lamorgese underlines the importance of this moment and the fact that Italy is a country with a humanitarian vocation. With the Humanitarian Corridors - a best practice that so many are imitating and should imitate - we measure the synergy between civil society and institutions. This protocol stems from a feeling that emerged in the Italian people in August while looking at the dramatic images from Kabul. We wanted to give an answer to those who had remained in Afghanistan and to those who had managed to reach the neighboring countries. The Community of Sant’Egidio, after welcoming 100 people during the evacuations, is now offering to welcome another 200 through Humanitarian Corridors, a legal system that allows welcoming and integration: an innovative practice to address the dramatic phenomenon of immigration”.
