Liturgy of the Sunday
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Liturgy of the Sunday

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Baca lebih lanjut

Liturgy of the Sunday
Sunday, January 16

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading

Isaiah 62,1-5

About Zion I will not be silent, about Jerusalem I shall not rest until saving justice dawns for her like a bright light and her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will then see your saving justice, and all kings your glory, and you will be called a new name which Yahweh's mouth will reveal. You will be a crown of splendour in Yahweh's hand, a princely diadem in the hand of your God. No more will you be known as 'Forsaken' or your country be known as 'Desolation'; instead, you will be called 'My Delight is in her' and your country 'The Wedded'; for Yahweh will take delight in you and your country will have its wedding. Like a young man marrying a virgin, your rebuilder will wed you, and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God rejoice in you.


Psalm 95


Sing to the Lord a new song.

O sing a new song to the Lord,
sing to the Lord all the earth.
O sing to the Lord, bless his name.

Proclaim his help day by day,
tell among the nations his glory
and his wonders among all the peoples.

The Lord is great and worthy of praise,
to be feared above all gods;
the gods of the heathens are naught.

It was the Lord who made the heavens,
his are majesty and state and power
and splendour in his holy place.

Give the Lord, you families of peoples,
give the Lord glory and power,
give the Lord the glory of his name.

Bring an offering and enter his courts,
worship the Lord in his temple.
O earth, tremble before him.

Proclaim to the nations : 'God is king'.
The world he made firm in its place;
he will judge the peoples in fairness.

Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad,
let the sea and all within it thunder praise,

let the land and all it bears rejoice,
and the trees of the wood shout for joy

at the presence of the Lord for he comes,
he comes to rule the earth.

With justice he will rule the world,
he will judge the peoples with his truth.

Second Reading

1 Corinthians 12,4-11

There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit; there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord. There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all. The particular manifestation of the Spirit granted to each one is to be used for the general good. To one is given from the Spirit the gift of utterance expressing wisdom; to another the gift of utterance expressing knowledge, in accordance with the same Spirit; to another, faith, from the same Spirit; and to another, the gifts of healing, through this one Spirit; to another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, the power of distinguishing spirits; to one, the gift of different tongues and to another, the interpretation of tongues. But at work in all these is one and the same Spirit, distributing them at will to each individual.

Reading of the Gospel

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Yesterday I was buried with Christ,
today I rise with you who are risen.
With you I was crucified;
remember me, Lord, in your kingdom.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

John 2,1-12

On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited. And they ran out of wine, since the wine provided for the feast had all been used, and the mother of Jesus said to him, 'They have no wine.' Jesus said, 'Woman, what do you want from me? My hour has not come yet.' His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.' There were six stone water jars standing there, meant for the ablutions that are customary among the Jews: each could hold twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, 'Fill the jars with water,' and they filled them to the brim. Then he said to them, 'Draw some out now and take it to the president of the feast.' They did this; the president tasted the water, and it had turned into wine. Having no idea where it came from -- though the servants who had drawn the water knew -- the president of the feast called the bridegroom and said, 'Everyone serves good wine first and the worse wine when the guests are well wined; but you have kept the best wine till now.' This was the first of Jesus' signs: it was at Cana in Galilee. He revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him. After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and his brothers and his disciples, but they stayed there only a few days.


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Yesterday I was buried with Christ,
today I rise with you who are risen.
With you I was crucified;
remember me, Lord, in your kingdom.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia


The Gospel passage of the wedding at Cana is put by the evangelist John at the beginning of his Gospel. As well as Mark, John does not tell any episode of Jesus' childhood. Right after the mystery of incarnation, John opens with the ministry of Jesus' public mission in the wedding of Cana. And Jesus works his first sign. We could say that this miracles synthetizes Jesus' entire mission. In the symbolic language of the evangelist the time note "on the third day" recalls "the third day" of God's manifestation to Moses on the Mount Sinai and the day of Jesus' resurrection, precisely "three days" after his death. John indicates the force of the resurrection that transforms the condition of believers as the change of water into wine shows. Today's liturgy comments on this change of the condition of believers reminding us of the words of the prophet Isaiah who show God's people as a bride the Lord himself has come to ransom.
The miracle of Cana shows God's family gathered by the Lord to change the world and transform it. As Jesus transforms water into wine, so loneliness becomes communion, sadness becomes joy and death life. The presence of the first peculiar community, his Mother and his first disciples, around Jesus is full of meaning. Jesus' Mother is already at Cana, before the disciples arrive, as if to say that she, figure of the Church, arrived first, before us. Mary felt the celebration as her own; she lived it with the passion of those who want everyone to be well and be happy. It is the motherly love of the Church: a love that surrounds everyone, that is concerned and attentive even when we are distracted or worried only about ourselves. This Gospel note shows us the qualities of the motherly love of the Church that surrounds and protects us, that preserves us from failures and becomes daring in order to help us. She, well before us and sometimes even without us, goes to Jesus and, using her maternal authority, intercedes: "They have no wine." She addressed very few words to her Son with the faith of a mother; these words seem even stronger in front of the Son's enigmatic answer: "Woman, what concern is that to you and me? My hour has not yet come." However, the Mother seems not to pay attention to his answer. She is sure that she will be heard. We could compare the audacity of Jesus' Mother to the common prayer of the Christian community. It is a prayer that the Church does for her children so that wine may never lack to us and to the world. This Mother continues to stay in front of the Lord so that we and the world may change. However, she turns also to us. After pleading with her Son, she turns to the servants and says to them: "Do whatever he tells you." It is the simple way of listening and obeying. Jesus performs the miracle, but he needs the servants to listen to the Mother and obey the Gospel. After This is how Jesus began his miracles at Cana in Galilee. There is still need for the miracle of changing the hearts and the world to continue to happen. Let us be guided by this Mother who sees and understands before us and let us put the Gospel words addressed to us into practice. And the miracle of Cana will happen even today.

Doa merupakan jantung kehidupan Komunitas Sant'Egidio dan merupakan prioritas yang paling penting. Di penghujung hari, setiap Komunitas Sant'Egidio, besar maupun kecil, akan berkumpul di sekeliling Tuhan untuk mendengarkan sabda-Nya. Sesungguhnya Sabda Allah dan doa merupakan landasan seluruh kehidupan Komunitas. Para rasul tidak bisa tidak selain tetap di sekitar kaki Yesus, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Maria dari Bethani, untuk menerima kasih dan belajar cara-Nya (Fil. 2:5).

Sehingga setiap malam, ketika Komunitas kembali ke kaki Tuhan, Komunitas mengulangi kata-kata dari rasul tak bernama: "Tuhan ajarkanlah kami cara berdoa" Yesus, Sang Guru, terus menjawab: "Ketika kamu berdoa, katakanlah: Abba, Bapa". Hal itu bukanlah satu seruan sederhana. Dengan kata-kata ini, Yesus membiarkan para murid untuk berperan serta dalam hubungan mereka sendiri dengan Bapa. Oleh sebab itu, fakta bahwa sebagai anak-anak Bapa yang bertahta di surga, muncul sebelum kata-kata yang mungkin kita ucapkan. Jadi doa di atas segalanya merupakan cara untuk menjadi manusia. Ini untuk mengatakan bahwa kita anak-anak yang berpaling kepada Bapa dengan iman, dan yakin bahwa hal itu akan didengar.

Yesus mengajar kita memanggil Allah dengan sebutan "Bapa Kami" Tidak hanya "Bapa" atau "Bapaku" Para murid, meskipun mereka berdoa dengan cara mereka, tidak pernah terisolasi tidak juga menjadi yatim; mereka selalu menjadi anggota keluarga Tuhan.

Dalam doa bersama, di samping misteri anak Allah, ada juga misteri persaudaraan, seperti Bapa Gereja mengatakan: "Kamu tidak bisa memiliki Allah sebagai Bapa tanpa memiliki gereja sebagai ibu". Ketika berdoa bersama, Roh Kudus menyatukan para rasul di ruangan atas bersama dengan Maria, Bunda Allah, sehingga mereka dapat memusatkan pandangan mereka kepada wajah Tuhan dan belajar dari Dia rahasia hati-Nya.

Komunitas Sant'Egidio di seluruh dunia berkumpul bersama di berbagai tempat doa dan menghamparkan di hadapan Tuhan harapan dan penderitaan manusia yang lelah dan letih seperti yang di katakan oleh Injil (Mat. 9:37). Dalam kumpulan di masa lalu ini kita bisa melihat jumlah massa yang sangat besar di kota-kota modern ini, jutaan pengungsi yang terus melarikan diri dari negeri mereka, orang miskin yang terpinggirkan ke tepi kehidupan dan mereka yang menantikan seseorang yang akan merawat mereka. Berdoa bersama termasuk di dalamnya tangisan, seruan, permohonan, keinginan bagi damai, penyembuhan dan penebusan manusia di dunia ini. Doa tidak pernah sia-sia, doa terus menerus kepada Tuhan sehingga mengubah kecemasan menjadi harapan, air mata menjadi kegembiraan, putus asa menjadi kebahagiaan, dan kesepian menjadi persatuan. Semoga Kerajaan Allah hadir segera di antara manusia.