Memory of the Church
Parola di Dio ogni giorno
Memory of the Church
Thursday, May 23

Reading of the Word of God

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

I am the good shepherd,
my sheep listen to my voice,
and they become
one flock and one fold.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Mark 9,41-50

'If anyone gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, then in truth I tell you, he will most certainly not lose his reward. 'But anyone who is the downfall of one of these little ones who have faith, would be better thrown into the sea with a great millstone hung round his neck. And if your hand should be your downfall, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into life crippled, than to have two hands and go to hell, into the fire thatnever be put out. And if your foot should be your downfall, cut it off; it is better for you enter into life lame, than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye should be your downfall, tear it out; it is better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell where their worm will never die nor their fire be put out. For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is a good thing, but if salt has become insipid, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another.'


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

I give you a new commandment,
that you love one another.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

"For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward," says Jesus. In the name of Jesus, the disciples can receive that glass of water which indicates that we have been welcomed. Giving a drink was the gesture of welcome for the pilgrim and the wayfarer, they, Jesus says, receive it because they belong to Christ. It is Christ's those who decide to no longer belong to themselves, who choose freedom, but also the poverty of belonging to him. The poor, those who have nothing, the many little ones, for whom even giving a single cup of water (as Matthew's Gospel reports), can bring salvation to a whole life, they belong to Christ and will not lose their reward. Truly in hospitality and service, the one who is welcomed and the one who is served are mixed up. We should always remember that everything we do is always and only in his name and not in ours, and how much care, wisdom, intelligence we must use, knowing that we bear the name of Jesus, that we are Christians. Jesus uses harsh words towards those who scandalise "even one of these little ones" who believe in him! Harsh words, little hope, indifference to evil is scandal. Scandal is refusing that glass of water. Scandal is the laws designed not to save people at sea, to make solidarity difficult. It is the diabolical logic of "I come first." Scandal is always a concrete fact, for example hands raised against others, or kept closed out of avarice, eyes that turn away. That is why one must cut because there is no possible compromise with evil. And to cut is not to lose but to find: to gain a good eye, a generous hand, a step of love. It is better to lose something than to lose your heart and soul behind oneself.