Sunday Vigil


Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga (+1886) who with twelve companions suffered martyrdom in Uganda.

Reading of the Word of God

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Whoever lives and believes in me
will never die.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

Sirach 51,12-20

And therefore I shall thank you and praise you, and bless the name of the Lord. When I was still a youth, before I went travelling, in my prayers I asked outright for wisdom. Outside the sanctuary I would pray for her, and to the last I shall continue to seek her. From her blossoming to the ripening of her grape my heart has taken its delight in her. My foot has pursued a straight path, I have sought her ever since my youth. By bowing my ear a little, I have received her, and have found much instruction. Thanks to her I have advanced; glory be to him who has given me wisdom! For I was determined to put her into practice, have earnestly pursued the good, and shall not be put to shame. My soul has fought to possess her, I have been scrupulous in keeping the Law; I have stretched out my hands to heaven and bewailed how little I knew of her; I have directed my soul towards her, and in purity I have found her; having my heart fixed on her from the outset, I shall never be deserted;


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

If you believe, you will see the glory of God,
thus says the Lord.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

The purpose of life is the search for wisdom. And listening to Scripture is the concrete way to find it. Scripture, read and related to life, meditated upon, and lived; it is the fountain from which to draw the water that will gush forth for eternal life. It is not possible to live without listening to the Word of God. This is the experience of the wise person, who knows the burdens but also the joys that fill his or her days. Indeed, wisdom is not a given forever; it is nourished by faithfulness in walking with the Lord. The example of the disciples of Emmaus is enlightening: at first they walked sad and disoriented. When Jesus stands in their midst and they listen to him attentively as he explains the meaning of the Scriptures to them, they gradually feel their hearts warm in their chests. And their path becomes more and more wise. There is a need to listen to the Scriptures on a daily basis. They must be welcomed and listened to daily as if they were spiritual bread for the heart and for life. This is where true wisdom lies: listening daily to the Word of God. In the conclusion of the book, the wise Bel Sira writes: "The Lord gave me my tongue as a reward, and I will praise him with it" (v. 22). Praise to God is a true thanksgiving for the gift we have received. After life's journey, the wise contemplate what has happened to them and realise that the Word has guided them from the beginning of their journey.