Marco Impagliazzo: environmental crisis, violence, wars. Together, let us care for our common home

These are beautiful and important days, the ones that we are living in Madrid. There’s also sunshine accompanying this final day. Important days because we have raised our gaze and we have also lowered it, meaning we have entered in the heart of many issues of our world, which regard the life of the poor, the environment, injustices, the life of children who don’t go to school and are not registered by the government. Issues regarding war and its consequences. As Andrea Riccardi says: war is the mother of all poverty. We leave these days with a positive outlook as there is a commitment of religions, but also of men and women of culture and of many who accompanied us in these days to take care of our common home. What we have understood is that our common home is suffering: from the environmental crisis, from wars – the war in Syria is lasting too many years with catastrophic consequences – from the exploitation of many people and in particular of migrants. In front of all this, what is the point of being divided? The only need that we have is to be together. The God in the sky is the only one that asks us to go and work (with prayer and daily commitment). So that many wounds can be healed and so that this common home which is our world – where we all have to have a place – can have a future, for us and for the generation to come. It was important to see how many young people participated in these days, with interest and commitment and with a wish to assume a new responsibility. As the world tomorrow will be theirs, we have to help them as mothers, as fathers, as older brothers to make sure that we’ll have a future of peace. A peace with no borders.