Secretary General Jeffrey Pillay of the World Council of Churches: "The audacity of peace is not a passive pursuit. It's an active choice, one that demands courage, resilience, and, above all, hope."

General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Jerry Pillay addressed the opening assembly of "The Audacity of Peace", stressing three key aspects of the Council's work for peace in the midst of global challenges like climate change, social inequalities, ideological divides and wars: education, dialogue and peacebuilding.

He concluded by expressing the audacity is based on "our faith, hope and trust in a God who yearns for peace, justice, reconciliation and unity in the world," and continued, "Let us remember that the audacity of peace is not a passive pursuit. It's an active choice, one that demands courage, resilience, and, above all, hope. Let's be audacious, not just for ourselves but for generations to come."

Read the full text of his speech.