Help us to save the life of Dexter Johnson! Execution scheduled on 2nd May 2019


Dear benutzer

The US state of Texas is planning to execute Dexter Johnson the 2nd May 2019. Please, take action and help defend Dexter's life: with just one click you can send your request of mercy to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Dexter Johnson has a serious mental disease. We know him as he is pen pal friend with Federica, a member of the Community of Sant’Egidio, since 2008.

Along these years Federica has grown close to him and discovered his illness together with his humanity.  He learned to find spiritual comfort in reading the Bible. Prayer, he writes, helped him to be strong and not to break down in difficult times. Dexter knows that with the whole Community of Sant’Egidio we are praying for him and he is very grateful for that.

We strongly believe that the death penalty is a form of torture which contradicts the rehabilitating vision of justice; it lowers the entire civil society to the level of those who kill, legitimizing violence at the highest level. We appeal to you to write to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles and ask for mercy, to stop the execution of Dexter Johnson.