Dear gebruiker,
today we would like to tell you the story of the most beautiful Italy and of the children who love it

Hey "Judd", don’t be afraid

Judd is five months old. He looks around with the smile of someone really happy and feeling safe. He is not alone, mum and dad are next to him. They are playing with colored balloons, one is red, the other green and the white one saying “long live Italy". They fled the Syrian war and misery and landed safely in Rome (Fiumicino), free from fear for the future thanks to the humanitarian corridors. Judd smiles at everybody, he is happy. Mom and Dad are even more. The Humanitarian Corridors, implemented by Sant’Egidio, saved more than 1,500 lives in the last two years - mainly children. This is Italy, this is us Italians: with the ability to make people smile and give hope. Judd’ smile is ours: is Made in Italy.

Remember to let her into your heart
Abiya is not even two years old. She would love to smile for all the happiness she is feeling, but is  struggling: her heart condition makes it difficult to breathe and even to walk. So, very gently, she moves and clap her hands, made of long pianist fingers. Her Dad, with whom she travelled from Ethiopia, is dearly holding her. He smiles too and feels moved, while Abiya hums “Fra Martino Campanaro”. Go to the news. Today, Abiya is at the Bambin Gesù Hospital to haver her little heart treated, while having already healed and widened ours. 

Then You begin to make it better
This is the most beautiful Italy, without any anger or fear: made of Italians who want to protect others and not feeling protected from them. There are Italians concerned, not about themselves, but of the others. Certainly by us there are a few problems, but those who come from war are experiencing problems far worse than ours. Dear friends, thank you for all the support, the sympathy and the friendship with which you have favored and continue to favor this project: a dream of humanity coming to life day by day.

Humanitarian Corridors are lights of hope. Help us keep the lights on. With you we will illuminate the entire world.

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