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December 20 2014

Towards Christmas with the Community of Sant'Egidio: let's prepare a party where everyone has a place

How to help for the preparation of the Christmas Lunch with the poor around the world.

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At Christmas the world celebrates the birth Jesus, who was born poor in a manger. Since 1982, every year at Christmas, the Community of Sant'Egidio celebrates this feast with the poor, who are the honor guests of the Christmas Lunch. Whether in a church, or in a large room, in an institution, or a school, wherever the Christmas Lunch of Sant'Egidio is, the poor are friends and relatives, family people with whom we eat together and celebrate this important day.
In these 32 years, the Christmas Lunch has become an event awaited by many, becoming larger year after year, reaching people all around the world.

These days, the Communities of Sant'Egidio around the world are preparing the Christmas lunch for all those who are lonely, or too poor: they are the elderly without a family, those who have become homeless or jobless, those who are ill. In many European countries, but also in Africa, Asia, Latin America, many people are waiting for this day: they are elderly with no family, people without a job or without a home, the street children, those in prison, those discriminated for their illness or poverty.

For more than thirty years, we celebrate Christmaswith them! Last year, at Christmas, more than 165,000 people attended the Christmas Lunch.


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What is the Christmas lunch? Find out ...

Natale 2012 con la Comunità di Sant'egidio... on the website, the story and so many pictures

"When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have..." (Luke, 14, 12-14)  Read more

... a video

The Playlist on the Christmas Lunch
Watch  it on Youtube

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December 26 2017

Look at the world map enlightened by the Christmas lunches

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December 31 2016

From indonesia to Cuba, from Poland to Burkina Faso, the new photogalleries of the Christmas lunches of Sant'Egidio in the world

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