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25 Avril 2011

Press Release

Roma. The Community of Sant'Egidio rejoyces for the Mayor's decision to stop planned evictions.

version imprimable

The Community of Sant'Egidio is pleased with the mayor's decision not to proceed with the evacuation of the settlement in via Cave Pietralata and to suspend the evictions planned for the coming days, as required. The eviction had been confirmed by local police who had given notice to the individuals affected, and confirmation had arrived, after requests for information, even to local residents and the parish, as well as the town hall.

On this occasion it should be noted that the Community of Sant'Egidio has never launched "invective" (we do not understand what the mayor reported), but only proposed, as is its style, urging the administration not to create undesirable situations and unnecessary suffering, and not to disperse the families: a serious mistake which was rectified late, thanks to the efforts of the local church of Rome.

It is not the style of the Community of Sant'Egidio launching invectives. The Community of Sant'Egidio, accused of being "outside reality" - and the suspension of evictions and the conclusion of the story of the Basilica of St. Paul shows just how the proposals from the Community were the only viable - has indeed asked to tone down the rhetoric, even in the words and messages delivered to the population. If the "invective" is meant the responsible exercise of their moral duty to criticism in the face of measures not consistent with a minimal line of hospitality and humanity, as well as respect for the families and their integrity, it would be worrying. By the Community of Sant'Egidio tones have always been respectful and never have been about persons, but only the living conditions of Roma and respect for basic human rights. Even facing reactions a bit  off lines.

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