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December 28 2014

Christmas in the countries where Ebola hits

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Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Sierra Leone. It is a hard time in countries affected by the epidemic of Ebola: schools and universities are closed, and even the Christmas celebrations have had restrictions.

But it must be said that the disease can be fought, that life goes on, that abandonment is not the last word.

For this, on Christmas day, with all the necessary precautions to avoid any form of contagion, Sant'Egidio has not given up celebrating with the children, the elderly, the beggars.

In Conakry, at the entrance of each headquarters of the Community, and in the DREAM centres - that are working for the prevention of infection and have hosted some of the lunches - each was asked to wash their hands twice: first with chlorinated water, and then again with soap. The tables were made ready outdoors. Lunch was packed in closed individual portions that were opened by each diner.

The distribution was made in the same way to beggars in the markets, to those living in the so-called "City of Solidarity", and in the prison of Conakry. Places where poor hygiene increases the chances of infection. Due to this, at Christmas they took the opportunity to monitor the temperature of all the lunch guests. And this year, among the gifts there were pieces of soap and new clothes. A party that has reached more than two thousand people.

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In Freetown, Sierra Leone, the Christmas party was dedicated to the children that were left orphans by the epidemic.  

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